Elementary & Middle School

Elementary School

Our challenging curriculum is enriched with hands-on activities, field trips, and opportunities to serve others in our community. Nurturing educators guide students through these foundational years. Kindergarten to 2nd grade have school issued iPads. School issued Chromebooks allow 3rd to 5th graders the opportunity to hone their technology skills and learn via Google Classroom. A professional staff of trained educators, low student/teacher ratio and outstanding parental involvement allows us to realize our school’s mission. Qualified educators teach all core subjects and enrichment classes in art, music, technology and physical education. After school programs are offered to appeal to students’ interests.

Additional Offerings:

  • Gifted and Talented Program

  • NWEA Map Testing

  • Spelling Bee

  • Accelerated Reader

  • Reach Out

  • Dyslexia Tutoring

Middle School

Our rigorous curriculum prepares our students for high school where our graduates consistently perform well. Algebra 1 is offered in 8th grade for high school credit. Students hone their technology skills with school issued Chromebooks and dedicated technology classes and Google Classroom assignments. Our low student/teacher ratio allows our teachers to know their students personally and encourage them to realize their potential. Our fine arts program allows our 6th to 8th graders to play in our chapel band at our weekly chapel. Qualified educators teach all core subjects and enrichment classes in art, music, technology and physical education. After school programs offered to appeal to students' interest.